
Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Lost Hero (Heroes of Olympus Series #1)

 By Rick Riordan

After the success of Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, I had high hopes for this new book series of Rick Riordan; Heroes of Olympus. As expected, Rick Riordan never fail to amaze me with his exceptional writing skills.

Heros of Olympus first book, the Lost Hero started with new set of characters; Jason (son of Jupiter/Zeus), Leo (son of Hepeastus), and Piper (daughter of Aphrodite). Jason, woke up in a school bus holding a girl's hand, his girlfriend, Piper and with his friend Leo. But the problem is, Jason can not even remember anything from his past, not even Piper. As the tour pushed through, The three got their first glimpse of who they really are. They got to fight a Venti (wind spirits?) and they got away with Coach Hegde (a satyr). When the pick-up team (Annabeth & Will) got to Skyline. They were expecting an answer to Percy's disappeance (yes, Percy is missing) but what they got is the three new demigods. They all went to Camp Hafl Blood and the rest is for you to find out *winks*

If you're expecting Percy in the first book. Don't get you're hopes up because now, I'll tell you won't any Percy in this book. He'll appear on the second book, The Son of Neptune. So, you have to read the Lost Hero first to be able to understand the Son of Neptune.

I'm giving this book:  4 out 5 Stars.

Author's Note:

Yes, as you can see. This is my first published book review here in my blogger account. This review is also posted in my account. I've been addicted in reading books for a while now. It started last month, around June 2012. So far, I've read 16 books in a month, some of it I've already read twice, some maybe thrice already. I'll be posting more of my reviews in my future posts. Xxx :)

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